Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Exeter, NH - Gilman Family - October, 2006

Nicholas Gilman (1755 - 1814) Signer of the American Constitution and all 'round American Revolutionary

I was pretty excited about this assignment because Exeter is the hometown of a bunch of my relatives. If they lived in the 1700s and 1800s, are they relatives or ancestors?

Exeter Cemetery Dad's mom was Irma Gilman, and this is a town of Gilmans. In fact, there are still Gilmans all over the place - and Gilman Streets - and Gilman houses - and Gilman historical reading stops. However, the ones I knew about are all in the Exeter Cemetery.

Ladd-Gilman House c1721 - 1738
Well, this is confusing. The house in Exeter that is identified as the Ladd-Gilman house is not the house described & photographed by the National Park Service. They are actually describing and photographing the Gilman Garrison House
However, here is a good web site for the Ladd-Gilman House
Gilman Garrison House 1709 The house described by the park service is really the Gilman Garrison house. The Historic New England site has photos of the Gilman Garrison house, and these are photos of the house I saw.

Evidence of Living Gilmans

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